Phone: (815) 784-2327|Email:

We want your feedback!

We need your help! The City of Genoa is working towards updating its Comprehensive Plan. Part of this process is surveying residents and workers on their needs from the community. If you are a resident of Genoa or work in Genoa, we are kindly asking that you fill out the 10 minute survey linked here. Please complete one survey per household.
If you wish, your name can be entered into a drawing for one of several $50 gift cards to be given away. Your responses will still be confidential.
Thank you for helping with this important project!

Special Brush Pickup – 2/27 and 2/28

Following the ice storm, Public Works will be doing a special brush pickup on Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th.
-Brush pickup per household is limited to a 3′ W x 5′ H area.
-Residents stacking brush in the alley need to contact City Hall no later than 8:30 a.m. Monday for pickup.
-Please make sure that brush is stacked neatly in one direction (not tied) with the cut ends towards the street.
-The chipper is limited to 4-inch diameter limbs and will not chip Y sections of tree limbs exceeding the 4-inch limit.
-Please do not place brush in the street.

We need your input!

The City of Genoa is beginning the process of updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan and welcomes community input to help plan for the future of Genoa!
The Comprehensive Plan Task Force comprised of residents, business owners, and other community leaders will begin meeting in January but in the meantime, we are asking the community to visit the project website here and share thoughts and ideas on an interactive Comment Map of the community. Some topics you may want to add comments on include:
⚙️What are Genoa’s key assets to preserve?
⚙️What physical constraints limit Genoa’s ability to grow and develop?
⚙️Are there certain properties or sites that should be rehabbed or redeveloped?
⚙️What new businesses would you like to see? Where should they go?
⚙️What new housing types would you like to see? Where should they go?
⚙️Are there certain streets or intersections that raise concerns? (e.g., speeding, pedestrian safety, road conditions, etc.)
⚙️Where should new bike paths or trails go?

Homewood Court Hydrant Flushing

Public Works will be flushing the fire hydrant on Homewood Court. This may cause disturbances in the system resulting in yellow water on Homewood Court. If you experience discolored water shortly after the hydrant flushing, please run cold water until the water is clear.

Special Brush Pickup – October 10, 2022

In addition to the brush pickup provided by Flood Brothers, the City will be conducting a special brush pickup on Monday, October 10th.

For City brush pickup, please keep in mind the following:

-Residents’ brush must be stacked along the curb or road’s edge to be picked up by the City crews.

-Brush pickup per household is limited to a 3′ W x 5′ H area.

-Residents stacking brush in the alley need to contact City Hall no later than 8:30 a.m. Monday for pickup.

-Please make sure that brush is stacked neatly in one direction (not tied) with the cut ends towards the street.

-The chipper is limited to 4-inch diameter limbs and will not chip Y sections of tree limbs exceeding the 4-inch limit.

-Please do not place brush in the street.

©2024 City of Genoa, IL.